The aim of the novitiate is formation in religious life: conversion of heart and growth in Christ.
From the time of her entrance into the novitiate, the novice follows Christ in the Gospel. She gradually discovers the demands of her vocation and the meaning of her consecration. Open to the invitation of the Spirit, she learns to encounter Christ Jesus in Sacred Scripture, prayer, the Eucharist, community life, and in all events.
She likewise discovers the meaning of the mission of a Sister of St. Paul in the history and the life of the Congregation and also in the apostolic contacts and the activities, which are the object of teamwork and research in community.
The novitiate lasts one year, at most two years. It takes place in the novitiate house which must provide the atmosphere of silence and recollection absolutely necessary during this period of initiation to religious life.
For a serious reason, the novitiate may be prolonged for six months beyond the two years. The novice keeps in touch with the Directress of Novices and returns to the novitiate house two months before profession.
During the twelve canonical months, absences from the novitiate house exceeding three months, whether continuous or with interruption render the novitiate invalid. An absence of more than fifteen days should be made up for.