If you’re wondering whether God is calling YOU to the Paulinian way of life, ask yourself these questions:
Are you:
- A Catholic woman committed to her faith?
- Presently employed, or getting a college education?
- Committed to developing a spiritual life?
- In good physical and mental health?
- Compassionate and desiring to serve?
If you or a woman you know might answer “Yes” to these questions… THEN COME AND SEE!
Questioning / Discerning
If you wonder if you would like to be a Sister, are already interested in becoming a Sister, or are discerning if you want to be a Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres, there is no formal period of time for this phase. However, you are free to call and talk with any of our Sisters. You would be invited to spend time with us, joining us for meals, prayer, recreation as well as an option to share in our life for short periods of time. We offer discernment’s retreats from time to time and are willing one on one to spend time with your and to help you discern.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Sr. Mary Ann Laurin:
Phone: 906-226-3932
Email: srstpaulweb@yahoo.com
Mail: 1300 Co. Rd. 492, Marquette, MI 49855