1. Definition And Nature Of Belonging:
In a desire for greater openness and sharing, the Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres wish to invite the laity to a form of belonging, to persons who feel called to share the charism, spirit and mission of the Congregation.
A Friend of St. Paul denotes an adult person living in a bond of belonging to the Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres in order to share its charism, spirit and mission through prayer, fraternal encounters and the apostolic mission of the Church.
The bond which the Friend of St. Paul contracts with the Congregation is essentially spiritual with no juridical, canonical or financial obligations.
2. Aims of The Companions Of St. Paul:
In a desire for greater openness and sharing, the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres invite the laity to be associated with other people who feel called to share in the charism and mission of the Congregation.
In order to share the spiritual riches of the Congregation with lay persons who wish to deepen their Christian life in solidarity with the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres.

A) The Sisters will share their spiritual riches by:
- Living and sharing their charism.
- Living and sharing their spirituality, the paschal mystery of imitation of Christ.
- Living inviting others to live in imitation of Christ in evangelical simplicity, trusting in the Father’s love in their missionary daring.
- Seeing Jesus in the less fortunate.
- Being more present to the Laity so as to discover the presence and action of God in their lives.
- Being united to the Companions of St. Paul in prayer, interpersonal encounters and missionary spirit.

B) The Companions of St. Paul will strive:
- To deepen their baptismal commitment.
- To live their Christian commitment after the example of St. Paul.
- To see Jesus in the less fortunate.
- To deepen their prayer life.
- To witness to their faith in their own lives by word an example.
- To be united to the Sisters of St. Paul in prayer, interpersonal encounters and missionary spirit.
- To support and share in interpersonal encounters with other Companions of St. Paul.
3. Covenant Agreement
The Companions of St. Paul are committed to live according to the Paulinian spirit through prayer, interpersonal encounters, and participation in the apostolic mission of the Church.
Companions carry out this commitment to the best of their ability by agreeing to:

- Attend at least one of the two meetings offered each year for formation, prayer and sharing, that leads to apostolic action.
- Attend Mass or other prayer gatherings offered in the parish or by the Sisters of St. Paul at least once a week other than Sunday Mass.
- Pray at least 15 minutes a day ( Prayer of Christians is optional).
- Do regular spiritual reading in order to deepen their prayer life and knowledge of the Catholic faith.
- Spend two days a year on retreat or recollection.
- Celebrate the Feasts of St. Paul (January 25 and June 29).
- Participate in other activities that the local group might plan.
- Make a commitment for one year
- Do a bread and water fast one day a year
- Practice Corporal Works of Mercy.